Healed From Allergies

Rachel D.

I’m writing to report a healing. While it may not seem huge, it is HUGE for me. Since 2009, I’ve suffered from seasonal allergies. They have been managed for years with over-the-counter meds. However, in 2020, they suddenly got a lot worse and have worsened each year since. This year, they have been debilitating. I’ve had days where I’ve gone through multiple boxes of tissues and have blown my nose and sneezed until every part of my body hurt. I would sneeze hundreds of times a day, and this is no exaggeration.

The allergies made it impossible to function because they started causing trouble with my everyday breathing. Since my first allergy attack of the year in February, I’ve had constant tightness in my chest, difficulty breathing (sometimes severe), and my sinuses have been constantly congested and clogged. On a good day, I’ve been able to breathe out of one side of my nose at about 20% for very short moments throughout the day.

This year, I even entered a medical trial and started on a new medication and way of treating allergies. After my first month, absolutely zero improvement.

On Sunday night, Pastor Nancy started calling out healings. When she called out knees, I recognized the healing power present. I decided to tap into that power and receive, even though my condition wasn’t specifically called out. Out loud I said, “Healing is here. Father, I receive my healing in the Name of Jesus.” In just a few short seconds, I took a deep breath, THROUGH MY NOSE!!! Now, 2 days later, the tightness in my chest is gone, and I am breathing freely without congestion. Today, I sat outside for over an hour, by the very trees and weeds I was allergic to, and had NO reaction! God is good!!! Healing is ours, if we just reach out and receive!

Mass In Intestines Gone

Carolyn R. from Texas

On May 17th I called into your prayer center for prayer. My husband was going to have a colonoscopy the next day. He had an MRI that showed a mass in his intestines. Ms. Jeannine prayed for me and my husband. I joined my faith in agreement with her. She prayed that it would be an easy procedure and when they went in there they would find nothing.

The day of the surgery, the doctors told me the procedure would take 45 minutes to an hour. Exactly one hour later, the doctor came back to me and said they didn't find anything! None of the masses or whatever they saw on the MRI were there!

I had to call in and let you all know! Praise the Lord! Thank You, Jesus! Thank you to your staff and for always being there to pray for us! We are listening to Pastor Nancy on YouTube and are really enjoying it! We are so thankful!!!

Delivered From Depression!

Darlene L. from Missouri

On 4/26/23, I attended the Miracle Crusade in Tulsa, OK. I received a miracle. It was such an awesome service. Pastor Nancy called out a depression spirit and a suicidal spirit. I was messed up. I have been seeing a counselor for 2 years now, maybe a little bit longer. They would pray for me and everything, but nothing seemed to be working. I was really depressed. I lost my daughter to cancer, she died suddenly, and I had given up. I was walking away from the church. I ended up coming to your ministry. A couple of friends of mine, one in her 80's and one in her 90's, said they were going to drive to the Crusade, which was over 300 miles from where we live. When they told me that, the Lord told me, "Don't let them drive." I told them they couldn't just drive that trip. They said, "We have a map, and it's all marked out!" I told them, "No, you can't. I will drive you." And I did! God had a plan! I didn't know what I was walking into, but He did! That night I went up to receive prayer for that thing that was on me, but when Pastor Nancy laid hands on me, it went "shhhwooo," and it was off me! The Lord told me, "You are free from all that!" Then I began reading "Victory Over Grief & Sorrow," and I realized that I have no reason to be in grief or sorrow! My daughter told me before she left that she was alright with God, but I wasn't alright with God. But now I am - I'm free! I just had to tell y'all. I told my husband and my other daughter, "We can't be in grief! Jesus doesn't want us to grieve." No more! I have now learned how to speak to the thoughts that try to come against me. I am free!

When You Believe, You Will Receive

Ameder W. from Mississippi

On the last night of the Holy Ghost Meetings in January, I had Rev. Stephen lay hands on some prayer cloths. I took one of the prayer cloths to my sister who is 87 years old that had a stroke. I ministered the prayer cloth to her by telling her that the cloth had been prayed over for her healing and if she would believe she could receive her healing. She took the cloth and held on to it as I prayed for her. Her Medicare allowance available for physical therapy came up short, and she had to leave the nursing home 60 days earlier than what the doctors had prescribed. I am thankful to report that she has regained her strength and is able to do pretty much what she could do before the stroke. Glory to God!

Delivered From Depression

Kelly P. From Kansas

I had been struggling with depression, sadness, doubt, and fear for a few weeks and had no motivation to do anything. I felt hurt, and I struggled with comparison. During the meeting with Richard Roberts at your church, he called out depression, fear, and discouragement, and I got up. I don't feel heavy anymore, and I don't have that atmosphere of sadness and depression. I feel motivated and can focus. Rev. Roberts also called out loud about getting finished and delivered from everything, and I laughed with joy and thankfulness to the Lord. Thank You, Jesus, for healing me. Praise the Lord, I am healed! I was so stuck with depressing and negative thoughts, and I didn't think I was going to come out of it. I have also been struggling with intrusive thoughts for almost a year, but I am believing for healing. Thank You, Jesus, my Healer.

Tooth Healed

Rita O. from South Africa

I am 72 years old, from Denmark, living in South Africa. One day, when using a toothpick in my mouth, to my shock a tooth in my upper mouth basically fell out. But due to being an avid listener to the Dufresne teachings, I immediately (it seemed automatic) jumped up out of my chair and said, "No, you don't!!!" while pushing my tooth back in place. I then began jumping and praising God, thanking Him for healing me. Every day since then I would command my tooth, "You stay in place! You are healed!" The enemy tried to convince me, "What do you think you are doing? This is crazy! Think about it! Whoever heard of anyone just pushing a tooth back in place?" And then he tried to give me mental pictures of a dentist chair with me in it, etc. But thanks to the teachings and warnings of not getting into the mental arena with the enemy and "answering it," he gave himself away when he said, "Think about it." But I yelled out loud, "No, Jesus is my Dentist. Jesus is my all in all! Healing one small tooth is no challenge for Him. You are a liar, and you are not going to be stealing my teeth!" I felt that if I let him take this one, he'd go for another and another. It has now been eight weeks and two months since this happened, and I still have my tooth, and I am able to eat and chew with it. Jesus is my Healer, and I thank Dufresne Ministries for teaching me to fight the good fight of faith...the one I win!

You Are Healed!

Heather W. from Tennessee

I wanted to share my testimony of healing. In August of 2022, I was diagnosed with stage three cervical cancer. The cancer had spread from my cervix into my uterine wall, ovaries into the lymph nodes, and there was a tumor above my adrenal gland. As a believer, I knew Jesus had bore stripes for my healing, but I was not sure how to apply my faith. I had started watching Pastor Nancy in January of 2022 on the Victory Channel. I am not sure when I found the healing scriptures that Pastor Nancy had recorded on YouTube, I think it was in September, and I started watching and saying them every day. I went through treatment, radiation, and chemotherapy from November through January. It was not easy, but God's grace is sufficient. I kept listening and saying the healing scriptures. In January, they stopped treatment. I had gotten very sick and was not able to keep anything down. I kept standing in faith, saying the scriptures, taking thoughts captive, watching my words, and listening to Pastor Nancy. In February, I was able to start back to work every day. From the end of the treatment, I got stronger and stronger. My faith was growing. I have always loved listening to Kenneth Hagin, so when I wasn't listening to Pastor Nancy, I was listening to Papa Hagin. As I was listening to a teaching by Pastor Nancy, she had said that when she was going through a trial, she asked the Lord what she was supposed to say over the situation that day. It hit me, and I asked the Holy Spirit what I was to declare today, and up from my spirit came, "You are healed." That was March 16th. Every day I asked, and every day I heard the same: "You are healed." On April 4th, faith came in full measure. From my spirit and out of my mouth came this poem: "I am healed and cancer free by His stripes, for He is the God that healeth me. I have victory, for I stand in my delegated authority. All symptoms have to flee. I laugh at the enemy, for I have victory." When that came out, I began to laugh and laugh. I was fully persuaded. I knew I was healed; it didn't matter what was said. I knew I was healed. On April 14th, I saw the oncologist, and his exam found that there was no longer a tumor on my cervix. He sent me to have a PET scan, and it came back malignancy free. Praise Jesus, the Healer, the Victor!!! I want to thank you all for being obedient to the call on your lives. Your teachings make it understandable how to be a doer of the Word, not a hearer only. I have grown so much in the last year listening to "Jesus the Healer" and the many YouTube teachings. Thank you again, and praise Jesus, my Healer, my Savior, my Provision, my Deliverer, my Righteousness, my Peace, my Joy, and everything I need!

Cancer Disappeared!

Natalie W. from California

Last summer during a family gathering, my nephew's girlfriend asked me about Jesus. She mentioned that she had been troubled with anxiety since she was a child and said it was increasing and inhibiting her from daily life. I led her to the Lord and sent her episodes from the "Jesus the Healer" broadcast. Her hunger has continued to grow as she has been feeding on the Word. About 3 months ago, my now niece-in-law received a doctor's report that she had an abnormal lab result. Upon a secondary appointment, they reported that she had signs of cancer in her uterus, that it seemed to be progressing quickly and she would need to see a specialist to talk about a total hysterectomy (complete removal of the uterus and cervix). She is 22, a newlywed with a one-year-old son. She called me on her way to a third appointment for a biopsy, it was right before the first night of services during the Miracle Crusade in Tulsa. We prayed, agreed for healing, and I encouraged her to watch the service. Last night before our midweek service here at World Harvest Church, she called me again. The doctor said IT ALL DISAPPEARED. There are no signs or traces of cancer. She is HEALED and WHOLE. It pays to be in the right place. Pastor Nancy talks about others receiving what they need by the help of our faith. I'm believing that for my entire family. God is so good!

Supernatural Increase

Kaileen P. FROM Virginia

I have been a partner with Bro. Copeland for 45 years. Since partnering with Dufresne Ministries, I have increased so much, especially in revelation knowledge, which as a minister, is just wonderful! I have also increased financially. When I went to get my taxes done in March this year, I will be making, personally, more than what my husband and I made combined 2 1/2 years ago, before he went home to be with the Lord. In this season of hyperinflation, where others are going without, I am reaping! I almost felt bad at first, then I said, "Wait a minute, no! I am finally reaping from the years of sowing! I am not going to feel bad about this!" I have also started waking up at 6 AM, which I am not a morning person, and God spends 2-3 hours with me, downloading to me what He is teaching me through Bro. Copeland, Pastor Nancy, and others. I just want to say that I am so thankful for Dufresne Ministries.