Things That Pertain to the Spirit (Ed Dufresne) (CD Series)

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Things That Pertain to the Spirit (Ed Dufresne) (CD Series)


The Apostle Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 12:1, “Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I would not have you ignorant.” In another translation it reads, “Concerning things that pertain to the Spirit, I would not have you ignorant, or misinformed.” If all believers discerned the importance God puts on them finding their place in the Body of Christ and bringing their supply, it would make a drastic difference in local churches everywhere. If we are to receive our supply from God, we are to bring our supply to the local church. Each of us has a vital supply to bring, whether our call is to the fivefold ministry or to the ministry of helps. In this series by Dr. Ed Dufresne, he teaches why it is so important to the plan of God that each believer discerns their place in the Body of Christ and how it pertains to the things of the Spirit.

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